::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Testimonials of Encounters International married couples.
Featured Married Couples
* June 2013
Rob and Katerina F
from San Diego, CA
* June 2013
Ray and Ella H
from MA
* September 2009
Ken and Svetlana
from MD
* October 2008
David and Lidia
from MD
* May 2004
Sam and Sveta
from PA
* November 2007
Hal and Maria
from CA
* October 2007
Jeff and Nadia
from VA
* August 2007
David and Marina
from VA
* August 2006
Rodger and Julia
from CA
* March 2006
Sam and Antonina
from MD
* October 2005
Tom and Irina
Ladd from VA
* September 2005
Jeff and Svetlana
King from MD
* May 2005
Charlie and Alla
Lowrie from MD
* April 2005
Kurt and Elena
Landrus from AR
* March 2005
Steve and Tatiana
Chilcotte from PA
* June 2004.
Mark and Irina
Davis from GA
* May 2004.
John and Vera
LaSala from MD
* November 2003
Jeff and Natasha Rushka from VA
* 2002
Eddie and Elena Schafer from NY
* 2000
Don and Zhanna
Skalitzki from CA
* 2000
Lee and Olga
Schaffer from GA
* 1999
Steve and Mila
Myers from NJ
* 1998
Bill and Inna B.
from MD
* 1998
Jeff and Natasha F.
from KY
* 1997
Oliverand Irina B.
from FL

Ray and Ella H. from Haverhill, MA

(married in June 2013 )

In Ray's words: "the last we wrote, Natasha, you said something about to 'finalize, so to speak' the relationship with Ella Garyaminskaya. It is now final for the both of us - we have met our match.....!! Ella has been and is for me the 'Bright Shining Smiling Star' going through the EI process. And you were right, 'she is not spoiled'. It will be up to me so I can spoil her.)) Ella defines love, reliability, dependability and a sense of humor that even I can't break! Ella is a woman that 'knows what she wants' and is not afraid to go for it. As Ella would say, "a brave little mouse". Yes, she is my 'Cinder-Ella' and she has my heart. Thank you Natasha."

It was Ella's friend Marina from her native Russian town of Neftekamsk, who referred Ella to EI. Marina herself has gone through the process of meeting and getting married to an EI client and now she became the biggest proponent of Russian-American marriages among her girl friends.

Ella is a type of a person who either gives 100% of herself to the "project" or she does not do it at all. So, Ella did all her "homework". She wrote a very detailed profile, she had a photo session with a good photographer and she meticulously chose best photos. She studied the database of men for days on end... She remembers that after looking at Ray's profile she just felt that he was special. So, she contacted him first. The rest is the history, except for one more fact that is worth mentioning. When Ray had some difficulties to travel and meet Ella, it was Ella, who obtained the US visa and came to the USA to see Ray.

In Ella's words: Иногда в жизни происходят удивительные вещи.  Порой, когда все только начинается, невозможно угадать, что же будет в конце. Это похоже на ленты кружева, которые плетутся и постепенно появляется красивый и затейливый рисунок. Все, что случилось со мной в последние два года, иначе, чем сказкой не назовешь. И в этой истории, как в сказке про Золушку, у меня было сразу три Добрые Феи. Первыми двумя были моя самая близкая подруга и ее прежняя сотрудница, которые знали об агентстве Наташи Спивак и порекомендовали мне стать членом этой группы. И, конечно, главной Крестной Феей стала Наташа, которая удивительным образом принимала участие в моей судьбе и помогала мне двигаться в нужном направлении.

И все свелось воедино, когда я встретила Мужчину Моей Мечты. Мой муж Рэй объединяет в себе все качества, которые я когда-либо хотела видеть в спутнике своей жизни. И среди главных его достоинств: порядочность, доброта, ум, красота, уважение к человеку, оптимизм и чувство юмора. Этот мужчина для меня идеален во всем и живет со мной «на одной волне». О большем счастье я не могла и мечтать. Я благодарна Вам, Наташа, и желаю, чтобы Вас всегда озаряло и согревало счастье людей, которым Вы помогли найти друг друга.

Translation: Amazing things happen sometimes in life. It is difficult to tell the beginning from the end, at times. Everything that happened to me in the last two years can be called nothing less than fairy tale. In my Cinderella story I have had three Fairies: the first two are my best girl-friend and her former co-worker who knew about Natasha Spivack's agency and recommended me to become an EI member. And the main God Fairy became Natasha who became involved in my life in an amazing way and helped me to move in the right direction. So, everything came to a head when I met a Man of My Dream.

My husband Ray combines all the qualities that I have ever see in my life partner. The main of them are kindness, intelligence, respect, optimism and a sense of humor. This man is ideal for me, he lives on the same "wave length" with me. I couldn't have dreamed of being more happy. I thank you, Natasha, and my wish is that you always feel the warmth of the happiness of the people who you have helped to find each other.








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