::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Encounters International Recently married couples: David and Marina
Featured Married Couples
* June 2013
Rob and Katerina F
from San Diego, CA
* June 2013
Ray and Ella H
from MA
* September 2009
Ken and Svetlana
from MD
* October 2008
David and Lidia
from MD
* May 2004
Sam and Sveta
from PA
* November 2007
Hal and Maria
from CA
* October 2007
Jeff and Nadia
from VA
* August 2007
David and Marina
from VA
* August 2006
Rodger and Julia
from CA
* March 2006
Sam and Antonina
from MD
* October 2005
Tom and Irina
Ladd from VA
* September 2005
Jeff and Svetlana
King from MD
* May 2005
Charlie and Alla
Lowrie from MD
* April 2005
Kurt and Elena
Landrus from AR
* March 2005
Steve and Tatiana
Chilcotte from PA
* June 2004.
Mark and Irina
Davis from GA
* May 2004.
John and Vera
LaSala from MD
* November 2003
Jeff and Natasha Rushka from VA
* 2002
Eddie and Elena Schafer from NY
* 2000
Don and Zhanna
Skalitzki from CA
* 2000
Lee and Olga
Schaffer from GA
* 1999
Steve and Mila
Myers from NJ
* 1998
Bill and Inna B.
from MD
* 1998
Jeff and Natasha F.
from KY
* 1997
Oliverand Irina B.
from FL

Jeff and Nadia Duvall from Arlington, VA

(married October 25, 2007)

Jeff and Marina

"Dear EI friends & members,

I recently traveled to Russia to marry my dream Russian Bride, Nadia.
She is from Siberia and I spent one month living with her after our marriage. From my stay with her, my love and respect for Nadia grew beyond what I thought possible. And I learned a lot more about life in Russia, and my admiration for the Russian people and culture has grown.

Now we must wait for her visa to come through...a crazy and lengthy process that may take many months to complete...but I will return to see her again very soon. I look forward to the day when Nadia and I can come to one of the local EI parties. I know she will enjoy meeting other American-Russian couples and women from her country.

Although I did not meet Nadia through EI, Natasha has been very helpful to me as a valuable adviser and guide when I had questions or concerns. Thank you Natasha!

Jeff Duvall"


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