::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Socialize with single Russian women in Washington, DC Halloween Party of 2010

What's New
  May 28, 2011
Splash into the Summer Swimming Pool Party in Rockville, MD
  April 30, 2011
Shish-Kebab,Beer &Love Party Washington, DC
  March 26, 2011
Spring into Spring Romance Party Washington, DC
  February 19, 2011
Valentine's Day Party in Centerville,
  January 29, 2011
Stoli Doli Party in Washington, DC
  December31, 2010
New Year's Eve Party in eCitie Restaurant, VA
  November, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Day
  Oct 30, 2010
Halloween Party
  Sept 28, 2010
Barbecue Party
  September 4, 2010
Memorial Weekend Social in Marina, Pasadena, MD
  June 26, 2010
Cinderella Party in Washington DC
  June 26, 2010
Slide Show from May Social. Next Party is June 26,2010
  May 29, 2010
Memorial Weekend Saturday Swimming Pool Party and Live Band Music
  April 24, 2010
All things Caribbean Party
  March 27, 2010
EI Astrological Soul-Mate Search Workshop and Social
  February 27, 2010
Post-Valentine's Day Romantic Music Party & Slide Show
  January 30, 2010
EI Housewarming Party in Washington, DC
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Join Encounters International Army and March to the Happiness!

it was the theme for EI Halloween Party October 30, 2010.

Held in EI Headquarters in Washington, the party was a huge success and everyone looked great. Although we did not conduct formal contests, I would like to name a few  “editor’s choice” winners.

    Tatiana Zaharova dressed as Charlie Chaplin and Jeff King as "his" blind girl friend are the winners of the "Best Creative Costume".

    Yana S. dressed as a Sexy Cat, who traveled all the way from Indianapolis, IN to attend the Halloween party, was the winner in the "Longest Distance Traveled"

    Svetlana H. who is taking classes in cake decoration was the winner in the "Best Home Made Desert"

    Neil B. dressed in a kilt, whose beautiful performance of Edelweiss and many other classics was a winner in the "Best Piano Performer"

    Natasha B. dressed as a charming  Alice in the Wonder Land with her three young children was the winner in the "Best Family Costume"

    Michael M, was dashing and daring  as Zorro won  the best "Image Fitting Costume

    Every one who came, young and old , couples and those seeking romance, all agreed that this year's EI Halloween Party was Spook-tacular... Start getting ideas for next year's party, because it will be bigger and even better than the 2010 edition

    Happy Thanksgivings Day!

    Happy Thanksgiving from Russia!

While EI Socials are normally held on a  monthly basis, usually on the last Saturday of every month, November is an exception. It is Thanksgivings Weekend  and we want you to spend this  long weekend with your families far and near. We want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Also, this is a perfect opportunity to thank  all of you -- clients and friends --  for placing your trust in EI.  I enjoy working with every person and it makes me happy to watch how the  right matches transform into loving relationships leading to happy families with children.

Thank you for the lessons and the rewards, thank you for the  spirit of love and support to each other, that comes with EI territory, thank you for  being “ not-too-challenging” clients!

New Year’s Eve 2011 Party

New Year's Eve Party

It does not happen every year, but when our social coincides with New Year’s Eve, we are happy to have a special event -- possibly in a Russian restaurant with Russian New Year's Eve treats like music, entertaining, games and, of course, romance.

Mark your calendar Friday December 31, 2010. EI will have the biggest social of the year A New Year’s Eve Party. Please visit us soon for more details.




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