::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

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Memorial Weekend Swimming Pool Party


By Elena Zakirova

May 27, 2010 EI Party Slide Show

Elena, Director and a principle performer of the Torno Roma Gypsy Theater in Khabarovsk, was touring the USA when she heard about Encounters International and its socials. Being a single woman herself with many single members in her troupe, she offered me to present a short professional concert for EI members at the swimming pool.

Gypsy dancing at Russian women Party

It was a wonderful concert and everybody enjoyed not only her performance, but her company after the official part was over. Russian ladies were happy to pose for model-type pictures with the famous Gypsy lady, while the gentlemen invited her to the dance floor as their dance partner. Also, Charlie Lowrie and his group did a great job, as usual, playing music and singing for the rest of the evening.

Ladies, who came to Maryland from Florida and NYC, have been inspired to come back and join us for another party, that is coming up June 29. I will announce the details later, upon my return from Dominican Republic.

As you know, EI office is taking a vacation from June 6 to 14. I am going to visit the Lifestyle Resort in Puerto Plata, that EI has been recommending for some time now as a safe and just perfect place to meet a Russian or Ukrainian woman. Many of you have taken advantage of this opportunity to spend 24/7 quality time with your loved ones. This time, I hope to lay the ground for arranging EI Christmas and New Year's Eve 2011 social in Dominican Republic. Consider it a little heads up for you, guys. Start preparing for the opportunity and do not miss it when it presents itself.

Visit here soon for more info about the next party.




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