::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Socialize with single Russian women in Washington, DC area. EI own Housewarming Party .

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Love is in the Air Party
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Love at First Bite Halloween Party
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Kiss the Cook BBQ Party
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Happy New Year and S Novym Godom!

New Year's Eve

We, at Encounters International, had been working hard to keep the date for the next Saturday Club social in December as scheduled. Nevertheless a few factors beyond our control, including the worst snow storm in the last 50 years, have forced us to postpone our December Party until January 30, 2010.

While I regret to miss all of you in December, EI social in January will be a very special and exceptional party, because the reasons to celebrate just keep adding up. This will be the Grand Opening of EI Washington headquarters and EI Housewarming party with many pleasant surprises that are being planned now and will be revealed before the party.


EI Own Housewarming Party


January 30, 2010
from 6:30 to 11 PM


4244 Blagden Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20011


Banquet, socializing, DJ music, dancing


All EI Clients and Get to Know Us Members are Welcome!

Ladies who arrive from overseas and out-of-state ladies are welcome to stay overnight at our new EI premises and take advantage of its location in Rock Creek Park only five miles away from the White House and enjoy the tour of the Nation's Capital the day after the social. I am sure that tour guides will be readily available among EI clients.








4028726 visitors since 07/01/98.



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