::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

testimonials of Encounters International recently engaged couples
Recently Engaged

September 2009
Joseph and Olga, Moscow


May 2009
Henry and Natalia, Kiev


January 2009
Tomiken and Natalia, Kiev


January 2009
Tomiken and Natalia, Kiev({Part II)


January 2009
Tomiken and Natalia, Kiev (Part III)


October 2008
Ron and Marina, Yaroslavl


May 2007
David and Marina, Moscow


February 2007
James and Nataliya, Kiev

* March 2006
Jim and Elena, Moscow

Jim Sherwood from San Juan NE
Elena Bulygina from Moscow, Russia

Jim  Sherwood and  Elena

For the past 7 years or more, I had been bouncing around on a number of dating websites, looking for the one girl to "make my dreams come true."Yahoo Singles, Adult Friend Finder, and Match.com. At one point a couple years back, I received a note from a very cute russian girl, who sent me several pictures, and seemed very sweet. We exchanged several letters, in which she became overly-adoring, and seemed to be infatuated with me. Eventually, she hinted that if I could just send her $500.00, she could come to America to be with me.

I decided to investigate. I looked up the agency she said had quoted her the price for the flight, but couldn't find it. I asked her for the manager's name and number, so I could contact him, but she couldn't (or wouldn't) give me any information. It seemed to me that she was trying to scam me.

I then searched on the internet for a site which deals with Russian marriages, to see if I could get some advice. I found a site called
Encounters International. When I contacted Natasha Spivack, at Encounters International, she told me that I should under no circumstances send money to any girl in Moscow (or anywhere, for that matter).

It was not until many months later that I started writing Elena, through Encounters International. Right from the
start, we had a wonderful relationship. We immediately had a smooth rapport, and felt a warm and compatible chemistry.I had had an experience with getting to know a woman through email only to find later that there was absolutely NO chemistry when we finally met in person. I couldn't help but envision the most dramatic worst case scenarios, and I could not live with the uncertainty. I decided that I really needed to find out as soon as possible whether the chemistry we were feeling was real.

I am happy to say that there was not even a hint of awkwardness in that first day when we met. It feels as if we have been led to one another by ALL things - fate, truth, nature, life, and especially God. I cannot help but be thrilled and relieved that our love was not just a fantasy. As it turns out, our chemistry is absolutely incredible!

Jim Sherwood

March, 2006

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