October 30, 2004Halloween Party in Germantown, Maryland.Saturday, October 30,
2004 from 6:00 to 10:00 PM October is the month to choose your costumes and feel free to act out your fantasy because you are invited to a traditional EI Halloween party! The spookiest event is hosted this year by our favorite Social Director Ken Myers at his home in Germantown, MD. Everybody knows that we always have a lot of fun at Halloween parties. Last year we had a contest for the best costume and sure enough, more people had come dressed in costumes than ever before. I hope that we continue the same tradition this year Another thing that I observed recently is that Russian ladies have outnumbered gentlemen at a few recent parties. Of course, men who attended those parties did not seem to mind it at all! But in fairness to the ladies I would like to see more balanced attendance. Ken, our Halloween Party host, has a lot of experience in hosting EI Saturday Club Socials. If you have not attended his parties yet, you may have an idea of how comfortable everybody feels there from viewing the slide shows of his March 2004 or April 2003 and May 2003 socials. This time we hope to turn Ken's home into a haunted house! All EI clients and new Get to Know Us members are welcome! Come in... and let the haunting begin! Directions: 270 North to Exit 16 Father Hurley Blvd., Right Towards Damascus Rt. 27 After exiting on Father Hurley, Move to your far left lane. Take a Left onto Observation Dr. at the First Light. Drive down, pass the flashing light. Take your first Left onto FoundStone Rd Straight in front of you is the Pool area, were you can park to the Right of the building. Walk down to Sojourn, turn left then Right Steps at the end of parking area. Turn Left down the row. 21057 Gray townhouse is on the left side. I am looking forward to seeing you all!
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