::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

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Spring BBQ Social

Cook, Eat, Drink Romance and be Happy!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 6:00 PM

4244 Blagden Ave. NW Washington, DC 20011


Our traditional April cook out social is here! What a nice way to meet somebody special while enjoying cooking and eating, drinking and romancing under the stars. In addition, meet Russian ladies that you wouldn't meet otherwise, unless you go to Russia, as we expect some beautiful travelers from St. Petersburg to attend the party.

All EI members and Get to Know Us members are invited to our Spring Romantic Cook Out Party. Please bring your favorite meats or fish for the grill and your choice of wine or beer.

Spring is the perfect time to start new relationships! Don't miss this perfect opportunity! I will be there to help you find your soul mate!

Mark your calendar: Swimming Pool Party. Saturday, May 31, 2014 @ Woodley Gardens Swimming Center in Rockville, MD.



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