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Swimming Pool and Barbecue Party

May 30, 2009 Slide Show

Once again the Swimming Pool & Barbecue party proved to be one of the most popular socials of the year. Not only it is the most relaxing place to meet and socialize for our Russian-American singles, couples and families, but it is a great opportunity to demonstrate your cooking abilities.

Gerald S. who flew to EI Maryland party from San Francisco, Ca, carried across America a big cooler chest full of shrimp, that he specially marinated, using his secret recipe. No wonder, that he was voted by our Russian ladies to be the best potential husband of the year (followed by two marriage proposals!!!) He did not mind this title at all -- whatever it takes to win the hearts of beautiful Russian ladies, who bring the best out of our gentlemen... for everybody to enjoy. And where else did you eat barbecued lobster tails? Craig B. came up with an idea and supplies to implement this idea. Sure enough, it became instantly popular.

Our socials are always an opportunity to meet and welcome new members. This time, in addition to introducing Elena P. from Germany, Natalia K. from Ca and Natalia A. from Va., it was my pleasure to to welcome a little baby-doll Sophia, the new arrival in the growing Barbars family with three beautiful children now. Congratulations, Natasha and Larry!

Swimming pool party without swimming is not the same, but that's what we had to deal with due to the cold weather in May. Only a few brave men dared to plunge into the water for a short time. Other than that, the party was perfect and I received several requests to have more of our summer time socials in the swimming pool. So, 'due to popular demand' we'll have our June 27, 2009 Saturday get together in the Swimming Pool as well. This time everybody will get wet, no exceptions!!!

Please mark your calendar. Our next social is Saturday, June 27, 2009

from 4 to 9 pm in

Twinbrook Swimming Pool

13027 Atlantic Avenue
Rockville, MD 20851




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