::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Socialize with single Russian women in Washington, DC area. Halloween Party 2006 Slide Show. .

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Halloween Party 2007

hosted by Luis and Dave in Columbia, MD October 27, 2007

I think that Neal Zarin, EI volunteer PR Manager, summarized the essence of the October Halloween social the best. He wrote on the EI message board : "To all those that did not come to the Encounters International Halloween Party at Luis Nieves home on Saturday night that could have come: well you blew it. It was a fabulous party! "

It had it all: stretched limo service to deliver the guests from the parking lot to the Party House, a DJ in the "haunted" basement with an open bar and a bartender dressed as a Tin man. A party tent was installed to extend the food serving area that originally was not big enough for all the platters with shrimp, sushi, several types of caviar and other exotic food, not to mentioned countless deserts to delight both children and adults.

But that was only the "tip of the iceberg " in terms of the efforts to make this party special.

A note from Party Hosts
Dave and Luis, Halloween Party Hosts
Dave and Luis, two Hosts of EI Halloween '07

Luis: "My appreciation... Thanks to Neal, Natasha, and Inna for coming a couple of hours early to help Dave and me finish last minute items – caviar, party gifts, and others. To Joe, Neal, Scott, and Jeff thanks for all your efforts taking pictures. I want copies! Last and most important, to everybody that made the ‘journey’ to my house: THANK YOU!!!! A party without guests is not a party. With your costumes and great festive attitude, you all made this party an unforgettable experience."

I realize that this blur is short and I will add more to it later. I wanted to make sure that everybody that participated in this party, whether it was as a guest or as an organizer, knew that I truly appreciated you being there from the bottom of my heart!

Dave: Well!?? I hope that everyone had a good time at the party. I think all of you know that we busted our asses to make this happen on very short notice! We were working until the end and we appreciate those of you who pitched in! It might not have been perfect but I think it was good! We tried to give you good food, good music, good prizes, plenty to drink and plenty of love! Sure wish we would have gotten the games going but..

We appreciate that all of you took time to dress up and contribute to the party. It was our privilege and pleasure to be your hosts.

To those of you who missed it .......hopefully we can do it again next year!

And the Winner Is Are...

When Dave and Luis told me that they had prepared a special surprise and that it was going to be a surprise even for me, I just smiled. Later, at the height of the party, I found out what that surprise was. In addition to numerous ruffle ticket prizes and the sexiest costume prize Dave and Luis set the Grand Prize for the best Halloween costume. And that prize was a free One Week Vacation in The Dominican Republic Resort!
Olga Boster wins a Halloween Costume  Contest
Olga, the Super Girl. "It was as though I had won an 'America's Next Top Model' prize. "

Olga says: " Recently I joined Encounters International. I didn't know this organization before I came to America and I very regret it. I am sure that my life in America might have been more successful had I known about EI earlier and had I received wise advices from Natasha Spivack on how to find my "other half."

I heard many good things about EI from women who had found true love through their relationship with Natasha and they have been convinced of it. They told me that it is very unusual to discover in one place many worthy, deserving and serious people who are oriented to create a family

Now I want to share with you my lucky experience at the last party.

It was EI Halloween costume party. I had been already at a party before and I had been most impressed with the atmosphere of family and mutual respect that Natasha creates in her relationships with her members, but this party was special. It changed my failures to good luck. During this party there was a costume competition, and I won a trip to the Dominican Republic!!! I have never won anything before. I was very surprised, and my feeling was as if I had won on "America's Next Top Model"! Everyone there though was just as deserving of such a prize...

I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of such a group of warm and caring people - all of them are worthy and deserving of love and family. Through mutual support and respect I trust that all of them will be successful in this search.

Now i am thinking about the a person with whom I could share my trip with and I hope that next competition at the next party will reveal my soul mate and will make my trip most romantic and exotic.


Jeff Guy with his daughter Audrey, the Best Costume Winner.

Audrey, Jeff Guy's daughter is a tie winner of the Best Costume prize. Not that Jeff's costume was any less deserving of the prize, yet, Jeff looks happy. After all, what parent wouldn't be pleased to lose to his own daughter?

Now that the charming Tinker bell is the winner of a free vacation in Dominican Republic she might become instrumental in her father's pursuit of happiness with a Russian lady. Jeff has been to Ukraine already. Isn't it the time to invite his Ukrainian lady to meet his daughter and the rest of the family at the Caribbean resort before making a final commitment?

I know that this is a very attractive idea to many. Jeff, we'll be looking forward to your Caribbean Dream trip report. Congratulations, Audrey!

Many of you asked me to send you the photos taken at the party. This time in addition to our traditional slide show I provide you with the links to our members' photo web sites where you can view, download and print the photos that you like. More links will be added.



Last but not least, I would like to express how happy I am to see my agency transforming into a caring extended family of friends. Every one of you initially joined EI to find his or her soul mate. I am glad that in the process you find much more. You find friendships, support, and other life enhancing social gains that no money can buy.

I know that in this process Dave and Luis became best buddies who place conference calls each time when either one of them wants to speak with me on the phone. I am glad that in the process you surprise me with various talents --your organizational skills, your passion and your diplomacy when I least expect it; your spirit of giving -- even in the absence of EI Thanksgiving parties; your ability to see things through and to be carried away -- more often for better, but sometimes for worse.

It was my dream to turn the agency into a caring family of friends when I started Encounters International 14 years ago and now I know what it means when your dreams come true. Thank you Dave and Luis! Thank you all the members!



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