Salsa Night Party in Columbia, MDSlide
Show The words "I would have danced all night..." from one of the songs of My Fair Lady musical could have easily applied to most of the people who came to EI Salsa Nite party hosted by Luis in his home in Columbia, MD. Luis from Puerto Rico and and Ivan from Bolivia played a role of salsa dance teachers. Russian ladies turned to be so natural at Latin dancing that very soon there was hardly any difference between "teachers" and "students". In my opinion, Marina and Svetlana would have won any world dance competition had they decided to participate (with a little practice at a few more EI dance parties). It was fun and pleasure to watch them merging themselves with the fast rhythms of the music. David's salsa sauce made out of eight types of peppers with pineapple added to it impressed even the most sophisticated gourmet food lovers. David, now that your secret is out, you are pronounced the best EI chef!!! On behalf of EI family of clients I want to thank and commend Luis once again for being a great host, great dancer, great teacher and ... a great catch!
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