Memorial Weekend Swimming Pool Party
at Woodly Gardens Swimming Center in Rockville,
Saturday, May 28, 2004 from
5 to 9:30 PM
Woodly Gardens Swimming Center
is located
850 Nelson Street, Rockville, MD
Encounters International family of clients are invited to enjoy
Memorial weekend Saturday Club party in Woodley Gardens Swimming
Center in Rockville.
Wow, it's been almost a year since I took the pictures that you
see here. EI Swimming pool parties have become a great tradition
for many years. Like no other social they attract the largest number
of singles and EI families alike. Traditionally swimming pool parties
are responsible for the largest number of matches .
This year our party coincides with the first day of the official
swimming pool opening. I told the pool management to expect an increase
in their regular membership after they see the beauty of EI Russian
ladies at the party (just kidding!)
As usual, we are going to grill and eat all evening long! Start
dieting now, you are going to get a lot of extra calories that you
won't be able to resist at this party!
EI members are welcome!
Children are welcome!
Get to Know Us members
are welcome!
Let's have fun during this special time of the year, Memorial weekend!
John Bell, the pool owner and a long time member of Encounters
International is hosting this party. Four years ago he had been
matched and married Tatiana from Kiev. Next month the couple will
celebrate their fourth anniversary.
Show of April Springtime and Russian Easter party
April party started with change of plans. Heavy rain
that began before the party never stopped and barbecue part of the
social had to be canceled. May be that or may be the rain outside
that brought people closer, but the party turned out to be exceptionally
nice. Everybody was happy.
It was a pleasure to see some familiar faces that we
don't see very often because of the distance. Yana Solilova came from
Indianapolis to join us at this party. One Get to know Us member from
Ohio came to "check us out". I know that he was not disappointed
in his expectations. In short, it is nice to see that Encounters International
lives up to its name in many more aspects, than it was designed originally
12 years ago.
On behalf of everybody who attended EI social in April
I want to thank our host Alberto for hosting the party and making
us feel at home.