::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

What's New at Encounters International in 2004
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Post St. Valentine's Day Party Slide Show

Valentine's Day party drew a much larger crowd of members than usual. Garbis, our host, has contributed a lot to make this party such a success. Originally from Armenia, he preserves his ethnic traditions in his home decor, in his choice of food and, above all, in his traditionally famous Armenian hospitality. Garbis was not the only Armenian at the party. Zhanna and Aida, two lovely single 'Russian' ladies were born and raised in Armenia too. They supported enthusiastically the idea of 'making all things Armenian' at the party. The three of them did such a great job of cooking and welcoming the guests! One of the guests confessed that even if nothing else had happened at the party, just the food alone would have been worth coming for.

Of course it is hard to image that nothing would be happening at the party. In fact each party becomes more and more packed with entertainment due to the diversity of our members' talents. This time Tony Cucuzella surprised everybody by presenting his magic show. I do not know who was impressed more with his magic -- our single Russian ladies or our couples' children. One thing I know is that long after Tony left the party children were still asking around for coins to use when imitating the tricks that he had shown them.

Dances became one of the most enjoyable parts of the parties. But nothing can compare with the joy of sharing success stories with the rest of us. Especially if the success does not come as a stroke of luck (it rarely does), but becomes a result of perseverance. Howie and Patrick are two such young men who radiated waves of success around them at the party. Howie brought the album with his recent wedding pictures while Patrick proudly demonstrated the engagement ring that just appeared on Julia's finger. Both young men have been EI members for over a year now, both claim to be very 'picky, both made several trips to Russia and Ukraine and now both enjoy a well deserved success. After several trips to Russian, Patrick found his Russian true love practically in his own back yard. Although both he and Julia had attended many Saturday Club parties together at the same time, they never noticed each other in the crowd of other clients until one such party when Julia approached me and asked me to introduce her to Patrick. Now a happy fiancee shows off her diamond ring and beams with smiles (see photos on the slide show above). Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations Howie and Patrick on successful 'graduation' from Encounters International. I hope to see you at the parties as often as it was before.

Encounters International Spring Party

March 27, 2004

EI Spring Party is hosted by Ken Myers.

Please join us for our Saturday club Get Together March 27, 2004 at 6 PM

21057 Sojourn Court
Germantown, MD 20876
Contact: e-mail: Sensehumorklmone@aol.com
Telephone: (301) 972-5417

All members and Get to Know Us members are welcome!

.We call March social a Spring Party because it opens the outdoors season. The days become longer and warmer, the spirit of new beginnings is up in the air and I welcome all of you to come and open your hearts to new adventurers. Every party is different: different people, different food, different social environment, yet one thing remains in common -- our hope to find the right person at the right time in the right place. So, I welcome you to the 'right place' at the 'right time' and let the springtime and Cupid do the rest.


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