::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Postmark Paradise movie Screening
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Lights, Camera, Action!
"Postmark Paradise" Film Screening Success

Executive Producer B. Elliot Grysen, M.D., J.D.,
Eric A. Peterson Vice President Sales Vanguard Cinema,
Screenwriter Dan Slider,
and Natasha Spivak, Founder of Encounters International, the Premiere
International Matchmaking Organization.

"It was nice to see a film which was a successful work of art and did NOT rely upon gaudy special effects or gratuitous sex and violence. The story line was very good and the acting superb. The cinematography was quite impressive and the editing was very well done. Thank you for the invitation!"

Those words are from Encounters International client Ray Levenson. He's writing about the special screening of "Postmark Paradise" at the Vanguard Cinema on June 26th.

It was truly magical and fun-filled evening for our invited guests. I am honored and very thankful to the Vanguard Cinema for arranging this special evening for all of us. Ray's words, above, represent the general feeling of the special audience.

The image slide show below attempts to display some of the events and feelings of the evening. Of course, it can't do justice; as those in attendance will testify. Our evening began with social mixing and mingling in the foyer while classic guitar music was played in the background. After the prescreening reception, we enjoyed watching the accurate portrayal of the inner 'Russian soul' and exterior upbeat personality of Victoria. Her character was that of a so-called 'mail order bride.' I found this to be in sharp contrast to the popular stereotype of a "vulnerable, ignorant, and submissive foreign woman easily victimized by male predators" that American feminists enjoy creating and spreading.

Instead, the Victoria character represented the true spirit of a typical Russian woman. Being a Russian woman myself, I easily recognized her independent and proud spirit. Victoria stands her ground no matter what and is romantic and compassionate: yet she is looked up at for her strong moral principles. As a result, she is able to garner the respect of the 'not-so-sophisticated' community where she lives.

In the film, Victoria is brought to America as a trick. The screenwriter had to take artistic license with the reality of the bureaucratic American immigration process. Fortunately, the audience was spared from that reality by this creative twist!

Victoria is far from being a "victim" of her circumstances or the people who tricked her. Instead, she is a true winner and her winning Russian spirit is an inspiration for the American people around her.

Following the screening, our guests had an opportunity to meet and talk with the Executive Producer, Elliot Grysen, and Screenwriter Dan Slider. Interestingly, the feedback about the portrayal of the Victoria character was positive and uplifting. It was unanimous that we all 'knew' and understood her.

Equal unanimity was reached about the American groom character. He and his buddies were disliked and frequently called 'rednecks'. They were regular customers at the 'Dirty Shame Bar' in Paradise, Michigan. Most of EI male clients were concerned and hoped this was not the stereotypical view of them. Although, personally, I was not offended, I was glad to know that Encounters International does not have such clients. Fortunately, the application process - developed during the past eleven years - has filtered out the likes of regular customers from the 'Dirty Shame Bar.'

If you have not had an opportunity to see this movie, I highly recommend it. The producer has promised to send us some DVDs of the film. I believe general rental distribution is currently in process.

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