::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Encounters International Halloween Party 2000

EI Halloween Party 2000  

Once a year, on Halloween,  you can be anything that your heart desires.  Emotionally charged around the clock routine work at Encounters International makes us dream sometimes about the serenity and seclusion  of a Covent life. Although I  mentioned that dream of mine to some of my clients, still they have been stunned at the sight of  Sister Natasha welcoming them at the door. Obviously,  they liked what they saw,  because before I knew it, the line of those ready  to confess had been formed at the doors of my office.

In the mean time, Sister Inna, or rather Mother Superior, had hard time in the room next door keeping away all the vampires who showed signs of thirst. Just like in real life!

I do not know who had more fun -- guests or hostesses, but definitely not our couples' children. The costumes were so realistic that they scared our little ones away.  It was a sign to change and return to the normal life. 


Please note: Next Saturday Club party November 25 is canceled.  It coincides with Thanksgiving week end. As far as I know,  Thanksgiving holiday does not have any analogue in Russia. For me, like most other Russian women in America this holiday has a special meaning. Sometimes we feel so "Americanized" that we forget to be thankful. And here comes  Thanksgiving holiday spirit and makes us pause and think how much we are thankful to this country for the opportunities it provides -- whether it is an opportunity to meet your soul-mate and start a loving  family in economically stable country, or an opportunity to do what you always wanted to do but never could. 

 In the spirit of Thanksgiving I am thankful to my clients for their enthusiasm and support of Encounters International that they express everywhere -- Saturday Club parties, Client Exchange Board, testimonials and telephone conversations; I am thankful that over years many of you have become  my personal  true and tried  friends.. I am thankful to those who help me with EI web pages, relentlessly  working behind the scene and those who do not spare their free time talking  for hours with prospective clients as EI references.  I am thankful to EI couples  whom I do not hear from but I know that they exist and  happy. I know that  from the prospective clients whom they are referring  to me  I am thankful that Encounters International became an exclusive club  that both gentlemen  and ladies feel proud to belong to. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! There is no holiday like Thanksgiving!

Please note: Our "More Profiles" page (Former "Free addresses" page) has been changed. At present there are 15 ladies listed there. Often their profiles are accompanied with  their original letters. Most of them have either a phone number or an e-mail address, or both in addition to the postal addresses listed in their profiles.  Please do not ignore this page. Non-members, read more about this here.


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