::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Monthly Socials
* Parties' schedule
* Russian ladies at the Parties
* Couples at the Parties
* Video Clip of a Party
* Welcome to the Party!
* Things to Consider

Our engaged and married couples - members of Encounters International Extended Family are always welcome to the parties.

Our Engaged Clients Eagerly and Proudly Introduce
Their Fiancées.
“New Arrivals” Are Warmly Welcomed
Into Our Extended Family

It is a very exciting moment! You have seen her photo and bio in the database. Yet, she is no longer available. Can you imagine being excited about actually meeting someone that you did not really match with? It happens all the time. The process and environment at Encounters International makes it easy to become friends with someone you contacted along the way. You might be still single and regret that you missed your chance or you might be already engaged and feeling happy that she too had met her soul mate.  In any event it is an exciting moment.   Hugs and kisses accompany words of congratulation and champagne toasts to happy life ever after.

From Acquaintances To Good Friends, The Encounters
International Extensive Support Network Continues
To Grow As They Share Common Experiences

If you ask our newcomers what is the most rewarding part about attending a Saturday Club social, the answer is usually having the opportunity to interact with Russian-American couples. The willingness of our couples to share their experiences reveals a wealth of information and food for thought not available anywhere else. I am not aware of another environment, where you can meet face-to-face with like minded people, who are in the various stages of the process: some just starting out to those successful years ago.

Clearly, the Saturday Club socials provide first hand information that you can’t find in so-called instructional books or web sites, or Internet-based discussion groups. The small, intimate atmosphere at our Saturday Club is very conducive to honest, accurate information exchange on success.

The key word here is “success.” Our clients willingly share the stories of their success. It is not something from a week or month of marriage. Some Encounters International’s couples, who frequently attend our socials have almost 15 years of martial experience to relate. You see living proof that these marriages can and do work successfully for all parties, including the children. I have included a section in the Encounters International Handbook of Knowledge dedicated to some of these stories 

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