::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Encounters International Database preview

Preview EI database and order a custom video tape before you join the service.

Many of you who is researching the best options of meeting a Russian woman using Internet agencies have come to conclusion that EI clearly stands above regular choices available on the web and yet a question "What if I don't like anybody in EI database after I join?" brings some doubts. And even the fact that on average one woman joins EI and one woman leaves the service every single day of the year does not seem to be convincing enough to many of those who describe themselves as " very picky" or rather "very selective". We used to send videotapes of still pictures, but very soon we found out that it is almost impossible to keep them up to date due to the fast turnover of the women. The tape becomes outdated while it is still in production. So we decided to solve this problem by giving up on the tapes and creating the ability for you to preview the database instead before you join.

From now on you don't have to be a member to preview all EI women's photos and profiles available in the database at any given time. You can have a temporary password assigned to you for a period of three days from the time you first use it. For a small fee of $50.00 you will be able to access the database, to use the search engine and select your "favorites". Using the database tape request feature you can send a request for a tape of live interviews of up to 6 women whom you will select from 450 women screened and interviewed in EI offices and featured in the EI database at any given time. We will produce the tape for you and send it to you free of charge. Just think about that: you will not get a set of promotional interviews taped long time ago and being sent out hundreds of times. You yourself will hand pick and order video interviews of those women, who appeal to you personally, not just anybody. You will enjoy your unique selection which may contain the interview of your future wife. You may want to keep this tape and show it to her when she arrives: women love to see their own interviews when all of the dating anxiety is over.
If this new feature of our database will help you make the decision to join EI, we will credit this $50.00 to your membership fee of $1,850. if we receive your membership payment within one month from the time your temporary password was activated.

Newcomers to the Saturday Club (December 26, 1998)


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All of you! May the New 1999 Year change your life and make it happier and whole. May all your dreams come true and all your plans materialize. Natasha Spivack

Also, I wanted to remind EI clients to check EICX bulletin board for announcements about Saturday Club. It becomes more and more popular and more questions are being asked. The most common question is: how come that I was not invited? The answer is: whether you are single or married, your life-long membership in EI is your invitation to come. No special invitations are being sent, no reservations are necessary and no pre-arrangements are required. Although often the gathering resembles a Russian Tea party, it is not totally alcohol free and a bottle of Champagne is invariably appreciated by the crowd.


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