::: The Woman Of Your Dreams Just May have a Russian Accent :::

Safe Places to meet your Russian Lady

Meet her in the Moscow

Craig and Larisa on the Red square in Moscow


David and Marina met in Moscow


Things to Consider

Easy and safe travel to the capital city
It matters not about where in Russia a lady resides, it is most safe to meet her in Moscow where any occurrence to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and nobody to see is not an issue. Provided that she is not a scammer and whether or not she lives in Siberia or the Far East, she will be happy to travel to meet in Moscow because it is a fun city that never sleeps, just like New York.

Protection from scams
There is no likelihood to be at the mercy of a local scamming agency or scamming women, or both, or feeling like being trapped, such as when traveling in Russia’s interior. There will not be bad influences or manipulations by any local agencies, interpreters, the lady's Russian friends and "well-wishers", or all of the above.

Meet many ladies
For those who have corresponded with several ladies, he can make arrangements to meet as many of them who are willing to do so.

Her travel costs
The cost to transport her to Moscow may increase the total cost of a gentleman’s trip, although it will not be by that much since Russians normally travel by train at a fraction of the cost airplane travel.

Missed meetings with her family
The opportunity to meet her parents or her family may not occur if they cannot also travel to Moscow.  Dependant on the development of comfort and compatibility the couple develops while staying in Moscow, it may be appropriate to arrange to travel together to her native city to meet her family.


EI Services to help you meet Russian women
in Moscow

We realize that for most people, travel can equal stress. Further, some of our clients have little experience with overseas travel. Therefore, we want to ensure that your visit is truly worry free and "the trip of a lifetime" We have assisted over 500 clients with their travel needs. Our experience and understanding is a value added feature of being our client.

Arranging for the woman of your choice to meet you at the airport.
In Russia it is considered a special event for a woman to meet you at the airport. We ensure that your first choice will be at the airport at the right time and place. If your flight plans change, we make sure that she is advised of the changes. Our office representative will also be at the airport to greet you and assist you both during the first meeting. This is a very important time of first impressions. We make every effort to make sure you are both comfortable and understand each other

In addition to the above this service includes:

  1. Arranging a car with a driver.
  2. Picking up the woman and driving her at the airport
  3. Parking fee for the car while waiting for the plane.
  4. In case your luggage is lost (very, very typical situation) arranging the search and delivery procedure.
  5. The same applies to seeing you off and driving the woman from the airport back
Smoothing over mistakes and misunderstandings
It happens. Different cultures, different languages, different backgrounds, different expectations can ruin a relationship before it starts. We are always available to explain what was said or done and why. In the past we have assisted to bridge the understanding and communications gap between our male and female clients. In most cases, when the misunderstanding is explained, the couple is closer than ever. If we allowed our clients to flounder in simple errors, our success rate would be much lower. We sincerely hope that you will not need this service. But if you do, you can count on our best efforts to help you in a delicate situation

In addition to the above, this service includes:

  1. Working with you and solving all of your communication problems, if any, during the entire period of your travel
  2. Coordination your dating needs, if any, by calling the women who previously expressed interest in you and would like to meet you.
  3. Setting the dates for you with the women you corresponded earlier but did not consider them your first choice in case the first choice does not work.
  4. Occasional translation and interpretation if necessary to clarify misunderstandings.
  5. Helping you with you K-1 Fiance Visa paperwork.
Getting you off a good start:
When you arrive, the last thing you want to do is go looking for food for your next meal. We arrange for you to have a starter supply of groceries available in your apartment.

The bottome line: . Regardless of whether you are an experienced traveler or a first timer you will need all the help and support you can get in this sensitive and delicate matter of courting your potential bride in the foreign land.


Learn about Moscow.

Traveler's guide of Moscow The Traveler's Yellow Pages On-Line

Moscow restaurants Moscow Guide

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