by Tatiana Barmakova
(Translation into Russian)
Click here
for the original article in Russian
What else do these rich Americans need? Especially the
men. I look at their photographs: well groomed, elegant, happy. As though they
have never been tired, never suffered, never been desperate. Indeed, even in
their worst nightmares they have never seen our problems. Or can they just hide
their inner turmoil? The more I think about the short answers to the questions
in the profile, the more I catch myself thinking that even the most prosperous
Rockefeller over there must go crazy trying to make sense of the deafening silence
between the sexes.
But if they're all really so sterling (they like to cook, raise a family, are
financially secure, educated, loyal, do not smoke or drink excessively), how
come they have not been snatched up by these American women? Can it be that
American women are so blind that they do not understand the treasures they reject?
After all, our women would kill for a local knight in shining armor who would
just once order a bouquet of fresh cut roses from a faraway land delivered to
her Estonian address. And if he asked her humbly to attend social events with
him, well, cannot describe what would happen.You see, we are not used either
to bouquets of flowers or attending social events. Neither are we used to kind
words and understanding looks (Fortunately there are the rare exceptions). So,
those silly American women have never been in our shoes and think they know
all about making life good. They pretend to be great feminists (as though separatism
is a cure for life's little imbalances); they do not want to have children,
put all their careers first, call for total independence from men. In the meantime,
overseas men more and more put all their hopes on Russian brides, dreaming of
hearing the little words "I do". And to satisfy this demand, international
matchmaking services spring up left and right, bearing the weight of responsibility
for the survival of the human race.
In the West, such services have been around for years. And what is wrong with
any avenue to escape from one's tight circle of loneliness? One may accuse these
services of functioning like a meat market. But so what? The wiser the person,
the more often he or she chooses not solely love as the criterion for a successful
marriage, but also traits of family values. I have read as much in the works
of psychologist Nicholas Kozlov. Perhaps he is right in saying that the best
marriage is the alliance of love and reason. If you are looking for a compatible
mate, then the search should be a rationale one.
In November 1994, Galina Tsibulenko of Tallinn, Estonia joined the ranks of
the professional, quotable psychologists. She dared to give women in her country
hope by founding a satellite office off one of those prominent western services,
Encounters International. A similar office has been open for almost 2 years
in Moscow. I can attest to the success of her outfit.You would never believe
the changes women experience when they resort to the services of an international
matchmaker. They start repairing their apartments, dye their hair, lose weight,
sew super fashionable clothes, take English classes or study English at home.
A host of new emotions, joy and hope for the future, bubble up from their lonely
souls. It is hard to believe that these potential brides were so recently locked
in depression, while viewing the idea of a marriage service with utmost caution
and skepticism.
I see all types of women: divorced, single, widowed, university degrees, no
degree at all, one child, no child at all. Naturally, the program does not accept
everyone. The service prefers the ages between 18 and 55, but in greatest demand
are the 25 to 40 year olds. I saw the evidence for this while browsing through
the album of successful engagements in the American office. American men prefer
to pick candidates when the age differential becomes greater than, say, 10 to
15 years. These suitors from the Land of Uncle Sam like exclusively slim, attractive,
intelligent women without children or with a single child. 98% of them hate
women who smoke.
If you meet all the criteria, and at least show a willingness to begin learning
English, then you may try your luck at Encounters International. In order to
spare the office from cease less calls. I'll try here to answer a few inevitable
questions. The first screening starts during the telephone interview. It is
designed to find out what you are all about and why you need all this. After
that, Ms. Tsibulenko invites you for an appointment and tells you in detail
about the terms of the program -- kind of like a woman's club. The similar one
for men is in a suburb of Washington, D.C. By the way, bachelors there pay a
few thousand dollars in search of a Russian bride.
A few color, distinctive photos of you, a five- to seven- minute video interview,
your profile... soon members of the American bachelor club will have an opportunity
to view your package and evaluate. At the same time, you choose the one who
suits you (either a rich manager, a warehouse worker, or a dentist) from the
catalog albums. As a matter of fact, the "data bank"replenishes itself
every month. The day of my visit there, six new bachelors made their debut in
the catalog. Mostly these were middle-aged, well to do, mature, with different
personal histories.
Later the correspondence starts. Thanks to Encounters Internatinal's advanced
communications technology, your letters will reach the addressee in no time-
by fax. At the speed of lightning you will get the response in the same way.
Generally speaking, communication lasts continuously for 2 to 4 month; after
that a man comes here for a visit. The rest is in the hands of Cupid. During
the visit, a couple will become officially engaged, and when he returns to American
soil, the fiance will send his betrothed touching love messages daily.
At the present time, 65% of the women are participating in correspondence.
Each one can write letters to 5 potential husbands. In this respect, Americans
have more advantages: a man is entitled to write letters to ten women. There
is nothing we can do about this discrepancy - there are more brides than grooms.
An important point about the service is that it guarantees confidentiality.
If you decide to keep quiet about your desire to find a husband from theUnited
States, nobody will be the wiser. And then one day there will come a letter
addressed to you: "I love you, I kiss you". In the evening there will
be a ring at the door and you will get a basket of freshly cut roses ... from
your American betrothed.